Home for Cheri's Creations & Fun

In case you havn't guessed by now.....my name is Cheri! Below is our very first Website that my husband Bob & I put together. Bob came up with all of the text, and I did the html etc. We do live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, so thought for our first project, why not put together a website about our hometown, Escanaba.

A Nice Place to Live
U P of Michigan - Escanaba

Then the fun things started!!
Hotsy Totsy Random Show

Enjoyed this form of Art--Grid Art
Grid Art Thumbs

Also Enyoyed Table & Scope Art
Scope-Table-Misc Art

Images are always fun to work with
Let's go to the Circus

Salads are a favorite
in our household
Summertime Vegetable Salads

Kaleidoscopes were a lot
of fun to make
Kaleidoscopic Patterns of Change

Trying my Hand at Imaging Art

Album One

Album Two

Album Three

Album Four

Album Five

Album Six

Album Seven

Please visit my
Awards Page - Thanks!
Awards Page

That's all for now.....Thanks for stopping by. Please check back often, as I'm always working on a project, and will add it as soon as it is finished.

Cheri's Search Engine